Friday, October 28, 2011

Power supply construction....

              Power supply is one of the main thing that must be have in electrical circuit. From the power supply, the component like sensor, PIC, LCD and many more get the source voltage to be turned on. Power supply can be battery, DC power supply, AC power supply, linear regulated power supply, switched-mode power supply, programmable power supply, uninterrupted power supply high voltage power supply, and voltage multiplier. For this project, the power supply that have been chosen is DC power supply with 5V output. This is because all the electronic device in this project using 5V input supply.

               Below is the step to built power supply with 5V output.

This is the simulation from Proteus software. From this diagram, decision about what component with necessary value can be made. After get the appropriate value. In this project the output that have been chosen is 5V.

The figure shows that component that will be used to build power supply. The resistor that has been chooses is 10k ohm. Whether the capacitor value is 10 mikro farad and the regulator serial number is 7805. The last number, 5, describe the output is 5V.

The figure shows power supply when have complete connection.

Figure shows that the power supply circuit connection was properly connected. The LED ( Light Emitting Diode) shows that the circuit function well.

Figure shows that output objective was nor required. From research, the regulator have tolerant between 
4.8 V to 5.2 V. So, the output that has been measured is still in regulator tolerant. The maximum input voltage is 35V to get 5V output. Below is the tables derived from research that have been done. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Analysis of electrical usage from family residential....

             The analysis have done for a month as a case study to know the peak and normal usage of electrical devices. From this analysis, the pattern of electrical usage can be estimate to proceed this project.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Problem Statement....

  • ·         Conventional energy meter only provide digital or analog reading. The reading shows total energy usage that has been used by user. By the reading, user did not know how much they should pay unless when they get the bill. So, user cannot estimate how much they have to pay in real time.
  • ·         TNB cannot change the electric tariff at the energy meter. If there are any changes, the billing console will be set by new tariff. So, user did not know when and how much the new tariff.


  • ·         To produce Wireless Energy Meter Monitoring System with Automatic Tariff Calculation.
  • ·         To facilitate users to check the usage of energy that they have been used and to help users check the amount that they must pay in real time. All the reading will display via LCD.
  • ·         To facilitate TNB to adjust the tariff using wireless technology.


            The project is to develop new technology to facilitate human being regarding of energy meter. The conventional energy meter display the total units that user has been used. So, user did not know how much they should pay in real time. The new tariff is only set at the TNB billing console. The new tariff was started at 1 Jun 2011. Users that use below 300 kWh or RM 77.00 did not affect with this new tariff. Only users that use more than 300 kWh affect with this new tariff. TNB can adjust the tariff remotely by using wireless system. The wireless energy meter monitoring system consists of transformer, rectifier, current-controlled voltage source circuit, current transformer, and digital ammeter. All the operation will be do in the micro controller and will be display at the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD).

Friday, October 14, 2011

Something about the project........

This project was created to diversify the technology of energy meter..

What is energy meter???

Energy meter is a device that used to calculate the usage from consumer by using kWh ( kilowatt/hour).
There are two type of typical energy meter that has been used outside there..

1) analog energy meter

2) digital energy meter

Even though there is different between both energy meter, the energy meter still stick to the same concept...
It is to get the reading from consumer usage.
The calculation at the energy meter also depend on how much load has been used.
However,there are a few problem by using typical energy meter...